Friday, May 28, 2010

a night Out : Pizza Hut & Shrek 3D

it has been a while tak melepak bersama Nadia my ex-roomie at KK12 Uni.Malaya. So, before she change her status to Mrs.Nadia on mid June... i take this opportunity to hang out with her as a single lady.

we went to Pizza Hut at Mid Valley and watched shrek 3D. ive booked the tickets earlier... kalau tgk wayang 2d mungkin seat belakang mmg best. i thought mmg seat best ler dpt seat belakang, rupanya seat depan is the best kalau tgk 3D baru feel. Neway, Shrek 3D i can rate as okay jer lar. to compare How to Train your Dragon, HTTYD tgk 3D lagi best!

-the girls:the friends-

-the pizza hut. Nyum was on diet. i wish they ordered new pizza-

-Ms.Nadia and me-

-my sista & Nyum-

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ABC at Seksyen 2, Shah Alam

im craving for ABC last Sunday evening. Dkt S.alam nie, the famous ABC yang diketahui dkt Seksyen2. Medan selera berdekatan dgn UiTM. Seriously, penglaman pertama berada dkt Medan Selera nie (selepas ianya telah diubahsuai) adalah sgt berbeza.

Agak menyampah juga lar, bila u tak dibenarkan duduk sesuka hati jika tidak meng'order' makanan dari 'owner' meja tempat u duduk. Just imagine, kitaorang diminta tukar meja lebih kurang 2x setelah mendapati order tidak dibuat pada kedai yang berdekatan. Sejak bila pula lah ada peraturan pergi medan selera u tak boleh buat order sesuka hati melainkan order kt depan kedai yang u duduk.

Servis dan kualiti makanan adalah sangat tidak memuaskan. ABC yang di'order' sampai sgt lambat, nasi goreng daging merah sungguh tidak ada isi apa2x & rasa pun tk best, nasi ayam yang di order oleh my sista pun tk ler sesedap mana... Apa2pun ABC mmg best. Makan manis2x mmg lar sedap. Ada macam2x jenis ABC ada kat sini. Next time, if nk dtg lagi..i'll try FRADO ABC, tgk macam best jer.

-nasi ayam-

-nasi goreng daging merah. Menyelerakankah?-

-ABC perisa Coklat. YummmY-

-Pegaga Dessert King. Laaayyyaaannn-

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Putrajaya & OneUtama

A/L on Thursday 6th May 2010...hantar my sista for interview @Putrajaya. Lagipun memang malas nak kerja. Nielah masa terbaik utk mengambil kesempatan! Bertolak dari rumah @7am. Arrived at Blok C, Jabatan Suruhanjaya Awam a few mintues before 8am. Apo den nak buek nie?? Takkan nk terpacak jerk menunggu?? So, i've made up my mind to lepak @Souk. Reached so early,around 9am. Souk pun tk buka laie. Lucky me i bring my laptop. Buat purak2x rajin ler. As my battery laptop was almost out of battery, melilau mencari soket nk charge. Ahaha...Confirm ler tk boleh cik kak oiii...

So then, i went to Masjid Putrajaya. Hajat dihati nak menunggu dan bergambar dan men'charging' jer =P Namun... sebaik kaki melangkah masuk ke-rumahNya, terdetik di hati utk beribadat di masjid yang tersergam indah ini. Damai rasanya!

Lebih kurang pukul 11pg, balik semula ke Blok C. Awal lar juga habisnya. After pick her up, we went to Souk for makan. Taktau nk makan per...Indulgence Cake SR yg terlintas di fikiran.

-cake Secret Recipe : Indulgence-

Aktiviti seterusnya,haruslah bergambar. Biarpun berkali menjejakkan kaki ke Putrajaya, bergambar dah macam satu kemestiaan ^_^

After Putrajaya, we had planned for a few things. Tapi, sampai rumah ter'bongkang' sampai ke petang =P Memandangkan masih berhajat utk berfoya, we went to OneUtama. JalanjalanCariMakan & Shopping. Pusing2x punya pusing utk makan... Kenny Rogers yang berjaya menambat perhatian perut yang meminta diisi.

-me while waiting for the food-

-the muffins & drinks (autumn&winter)-

-my dinner plate-

-lets perform our prayer before eat-

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ayat-ayat Cinta

At first plan... to write 'bout my activity during my annual leave on last Thursday and yesterday. All the activities on Saturday & Sunday... but soorrryy i've to delay the story bout it!

Ohw... hati sedang berbunga as he juz called me! He played his guitar and sing this song... "Ayat-ayat Cinta". Opsss...he is not sang it for me, he asked me to guess it! Tapi tak berjaya nk teka! Don't you try to make an assumption 'its a Jiwang Session". No it is not!!! He is one of the kind

character in movie Eiffel I'm in Love. not good in showing off your own feeling in front of other people. Hehehe *sungguh poyo tatkala hati sedang berbunga-bunga*

My dear, i haven't finish reading the novel "ayat-ayat cinta" which you had emailed me the copy about a year ago (masa you kat Scotland). I've watched the movie, but never concentrate watching it. Obviously, the film have its own message to be delivered. Hurrmm... need to watch it again and try to understand the message behind it!!!


8th May 2010 - QIT Competition was held at Kelab Golf Kota Permai. This is the first time HDSB organized the competition internally between the departments. The winner for this QIT will have to represent the company for the competition between all the companies under DRB HICOM which is normally held at the end of the year.

I joined QA department as my department have no project to present (as per instructed by my boss). We had managed to get 2nd place! We had expected to get 2nd prize anyway. Byk keja kalau jadi winner to represent the company for the next stage.

After QIT, straightly drove to Taiping. It is almost 1500hrs when i start my journey. If, it is not because QIT, mmg I dah ikut my brother,sister and auntie bertolak ke IPOH on Friday night. Seronoknya diaorang berkelah di Burmese Pool, makan Mee Udang di Kuala Sepetang and bersantai di Tasik Taiping. I reached Taiping almost 2000hrs. It just a perfect time arrived as night safari will only open at 2000hrs. Itupun sempat singgah ke Jusco Ipoh kunun nk membeli gift. Tp tk ketemuan.

Night safari - as for me tak lar berapa menyeronokkan. Keadaan yang gelap menyebabkan banyak binatang tidak kelihatan. Nak ambil gambar pun tk nampak. Agak membosankan juga lar. Anyway, pengembaraan di waktu malam agak mendebarkan. Seriously, walaupun semua binatang dalam kandang masing2 tapi suasana yg seolah2x berjalan di dalam rimba di waktu malam adalah sangatlah menyeramkan. But still, i have a lot of fun to spent a great quality time with my family at Night Safari ^_^

-tour Night Safari by Train-

-The Night Visitors-

-in front of Snake House-

-take a break-

-with the birds-


After Night Safari, we went to Doli's Restaurant (known as the Best Kueytiew in the Town). Unfortunate, the restaurant is almost close when we reached there around 2300hrs. So, we just drove back home.

Memang ngantuk, i ingat nak balik tido jer. Tp my mum lapar. So, we had a late supper at Mamak Restaurant somewhere in Jelapang Jaya..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Semalam tetiba mencari SEPI. Tetiba teringat 'dolu2x' menonton SEPI bersama si dia, sumwhere in June or July 2008. Kunun2x SEPI bakal melanda bila setahun jarak memisahkan kita. Umpama cinta dua benua ^_^

Sungguh puisi ini menghantui sepanjang hariku ini... (Kunun2x layan Blues ler tue)

"Bisikku pada bulan
Kembalikan temanku
Tanpa dia malam menemaniku
Sepi memelukku
Bulan jangan biar siang biar alam ini kelam
Biar ia sepi sepertiku"

Dalam perjalanan pulang dari tempat kerja, tatkala mood 'jiwang' melayan emosi. Si dia call. Bunyinya macam orang tengah marah. Last week we had a plan to watch a movie (Ironman2) as he has two voucher for two free tickets movie valid until 30th April2010. Due to certain circumstances had to postpone till the last minute. Last Friday (300410) tatkala semangat dah menggunung nk gie menonton movie, terpaksa cancel sbb kunci kereta si dia hilang!!! hampa dan kecewanya...i tried hard to be calm...apa laie nak dikato... Yang sungguh meng'hangin'kan pabila si dia memberitahu kunci hilang sbb member office sorokkan kunci tue. Sungguh keji perbuatan ini...melawak biar berpada lar bai! tkder lar sampai dah balik kerja + weekend + isnin + selasa = rabu baru nak bagitau! Sungguh lar 'BENGONG' org nie. Cubalar fikir kalau orang buat kat dia sampai tak boleh nak balik rumah. Kesian si dia yang terpaksa mencari kunci macam org gila + terpaksa buat kunci baru and repair the overall alarm system. Sunggah BENGANG kan. Sabar jer la.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

FUTSAL @de'Stadium - BOWLING @Summit,USJ - Wedding Anniversary

Feelin' so good as i woke so early this morning @545am. Had a programme @d'stadium - FUTSAL HDSB! opsss im not the player...uruSETIA jerk ^_^ Thought i'll be early, but im not. Pusing2x tk jumpa d'stadium. But had managed to get the direction from my friends. It was a GREAT event! Bravo to my FRIENDS who had managed it very well.

Had my lunch @KFC nearby with the uruSETIA gang. Had ALASKA FISH BURGER, boring dah makan ayam. Just had it on FriDAY! wud to do... majority wins ~_~

Then, we went to Summit. It's a BOWLING time. Lets have some FUN!!! Everyone seems so tired but still berhempas pulas to show their best skill - still fight to get the best scores!

As i've spent half of my day @d'Stadium and the other half @Summit...i knew that i had just stay at home in the night. But i'm not...went to jualan murah dpn skypark. End up with bought a few shirts-cheaper but nice and a motivation books which is good for my soul.

Ohw..not to forget, today is 1st of May : HappY Labour Day to All (mereka yg bekerja shj =P) & Happy 33th Wedding Anniversary to Tuan Hj. Abdul Karim & Pn. Jamaliah... LOVE both of you so much!

Found this old photo...mum&dad anniversary in yr2007. Miss the moments to gather with all family members.